Our first trip up country
Stafford Premier Inn, Hurricane plays host to Zoe and ourselves, albiet with no charging points yet! Grrr...
Well, the time had come to stretch her legs after 8 weeks of getting to know our fantastic car, yes she's great around town but how will she perform on the motorway? I planned the outbound journey with two top ups, one at Tescos Cheltenham and one at Gallagher Retail park near Walsall, both 22kw Pod point fast chargers, at no cost.
Starting from Newton Abbot with a full charge (243 miles) we headed up the M5 with my wife driving whilst I diligently made Co pilot style notes and calculations to predict her range and monitor performance.... We were achieving approx 21 miles each 10% of charge at an average of 65mph, I assumed that we would be able to reach our destination in Stafford (192 miles) but with no charging facilities there I had to arrive with power for the return journey.
Halfway was passed at 57% battery at the junction with the M4, and we pulled on to the Tesco at Colletts lane to find the pod points empty! We charged for an hour whilst eating our lunch and set off to Walsall with 80% charge (186 range).
65mph was still giving us between 21 to 25 miles per10% use of charge so was quite happy with that. We arrived at Gallagher Retail Park and topped up to 92% on Thor ⚡the pod point whilst shopping at Next and Curry's.
Off to Stafford Premier Inn via our regular stop at Milford Wimpy for dinner where we arrived having completed 209 miles with 74% charge (179miles) for visiting my parents and journeying home.
We found the chargers so easy to use and ecstatic that our journey cost nothing! ZOE performed faultlessly and was a very comfortable ride.
The return leg was on a Friday and the M5 southbound has legendary traffic queues so we departed Stafford at 9.15am and aimed for Cheltenham where we arrived on 32% battery, we went shopping again!, had lunch and charged to 72% knowing I needed 58% battery to get home to Devon. We hit the mandatory queues between Bristol and Weston Super Mare but this reduced our speed and increased my range, by Taunton I was breathing easier as the aircon was back on and predicted arriving home with 35 miles range and 15% range, we pulled on to our drive with 41miles and 14% which is the lowest I've let her run.
I found in cruise control on the motorway at 65 I was getting up to 25miles per 10% charge. Elevation of course makes a difference, IE climbing out of the Somerset plains cost range ( down to 19miles per 10%) but dropping down out of the Mendips we gained ( up to 24 ).
Join us in September when we attempt Manchester for free!
Permalink for this article: https://www.myevreview.com/60e05b7fb251f
2021-07-03 18:28:17 UTC
Hi Glen. Thanks for the detailed description of the trip. Zoe is a great car with a fairly large battery and low electricity consumption. Plus it has a great 22 kW AC charging as standard. Even much more expensive electric cars don't have that.
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